February 10

Prosiding Seminar Nasional ADPI Mengabdi untuk Negeri

Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 44 of 2015 explains that the National Standards for Higher Education besides being related to National Education Standards and National Research Standards, also require the existence of National Community Service Standards (PkM). Where the National Community Service Standards are the minimum criteria regarding the community service system in Higher Education that applies throughout the jurisdiction of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

ISSN : 2746-1246

Publisher: Indonesian Community Service Lecturer Association (ADPI)

Scope: Proceedings of the ADPI Serving for the Nation National Seminar as an implementation of anthropology, communication and media studies, criminology, education, languages, film studies, international development, religion, law, and politics, accounting, economics and management, science, technology, pharmacy, health, agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, and the environment.

February 10

International Conference On Research And Development (ICORAD)

The International Conference on Research and Development welcomes submissions that provide insights into current and key issues dealing with multidisciplinary research. The proceeding provides a venue for educational researchers and practitioners to discuss pursue and promote knowledge in emerging and developing areas in all scientific fields. The language of the manuscript is English. There must be a critical discussion of issues and new and significant contributions to the related field. Articles can be from any of the following areas:

Law Studies
Education, Social Sciences, and Humanities
Accounting, Management, and Creative Economy
Health Science, Technology, and Communication
Agriculture and Forestry
Animal Science and Fisheries


February 10

Jurnal Abdimas ADPI Sosial Humanora (Soshum)

ISSN: 2775-6998
Penerbit : Asosiasi Dosen Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Indonesia
Scope: ABDIMAS Social and Humanities: Journal of Community Service ADPI as the implementation of anthropology, communication and media studies, criminology, education, language, film studies, international development, religion, law, and politics.
Journal Status: Accreditation Process
Issue Period: 3 Months https://ejournal.adpi-indonesia.id/index.php/jsoshum/index

February 10

Asosiasi Dosen PkM Indonesia (ADPI)

ADPI is an abbreviation of Asosiasi Dosen “Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Indonesia”. ADPI stands under the auspices of the Fatih Al Khairiyyah Foundation. This organization is a unifying forum for the activities of Indonesian lecturers in independent community service. This organization is a professional organization for all Indonesian citizens who work as lecturers in all tertiary institutions both at home and abroad. https://adpi-indonesia.id/home/sejarah/