February 7

Mendesain Kelas yang Interaktif melalui Sebuah Teks Bahasa Inggris (Pengembangan model TIC Activities-based Reading Text) 

Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu mata pelajaran yang diangap sulit oleh sebagian besar siswa di Indonesia (Tambunsaribu & Galingging, 2021). Faktor utama penyebab masalah tersebut adalah kedudukan bahasa Inggris di Indonesia sebagai bahasa asing (Alfarisy, 2021) yang menyebabkan sangat sulitnya dijumpai komunitas yang menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dalam percakapan sehari-hari, khususnya di daerah-daerah terpencil. Hambatan pertama ini yang kemudian melahirkan dampak-dampak lainnya, khususnya dalam implementasi proses pembelajaran di sekolah yang berbuntut pada rendahnya motivasi, kompetensi, dan kepecayaan diri siswa terhadap mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.  

Karena bahasa Inggris dianggap sulit dan tidak menarik, sebagian besar siswa menghadapi tantangan saat mempelajari mata pelajaran wajib ini. Oleh karena itu, tugas seorang guru Bahasa Inggris bukan hanya sekedar menyampaikan materi. Sebagai langkah awal dan strategi pertama, mereka harus mendorong dan memotivasi siswa untuk mencintai Bahasa Inggris sebelum memasuki konten pedagogik mata pelajaran ini. Selain itu, memiliki motivasi diyakini sebagai bentuk pertahanan mental ketika di tengah jalan siswa mengalami suatu kendala dalam proses pembelajaran. Setidaknya, mereka dapat kembali memikirkan hal-hal positif mengenai manfaat ketika menguasai Bahasa Inggris 

Akan tetapi, menyimpulkan dari penelitian terkait sebelumnya, beberapa kendala dalam proses penerimaan Bahasa Inggris kebanyakan merujuk pada kapabilitas dan keterampilan guru dalam menciptakan inovasi pembelajaran kelas yang interaktif (Rahmat & Jannatin, 2018; Hasibuan & Moedjiono, 2012). Variabel lainnya yaitu terkait fasilitas penunjang pembelajaran yang tidak memadai, bahan rujukan/ referensi yang kurang up to date, materi yang dianggap lebih sulit, kondisi kelas yang tidak kondusif, serta lingkungan yang tidak mendukung untuk mempraktikkan keterampilan berbahasa Inggris (Pratiwi, 2019). 

Pada hakikatnya, mengajarkan Bahasa Inggris adalah sebuah keterampilan untuk mencapai tujuan komunkatif. Namun, tujuan utama ini tidak akan dapat diraih jika guru tidak memiliki kreatifitas. Menurut Rahmat dan Jannatin (2018), variasi dalam aktifitas pembelajaran sangat krusial dalam menentukan kesuksesan pembelajaran. Metode pengajaran yang bervariasi tentunya akan terasa menyenangkan dan memotivasi siswa untuk terlibat aktif sehingga kelas menjadi interaktif dan lebih hidup. Wahab (2016) menambahkan guru berperan krusial dalam membangun suasana akademik yang interaktif karena melalui interaksi yang baik antara guru dan siswa atau sesama siswa memungkinkan siswa dapat berkembang secara mental dan intelektual. Oleh karena itu, guru harus memiliki inovasi. 

Sehubungan dengan pencapaian tujuan komunikatif dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris, guru tidak disarankan hanya memperhatikan keterampilan berbicara saja karena semua keterampilan dasar bahasa Inggris (mendengar, menulis, membaca, dan berbicara) saling berkaitan dan bergantung. Selanjutnya, guru harus menciptakan suasana yang nyaman di dalam kelas.  

Pratiwi (2021) telah memperkenalkan beberapa aktifitas kelas yang dinamakan Talkative and Interesting Classroom (TIC) Activities. Untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran komunikasi, beberapa input materi dapat didistribusikan kepada peserta didik, seperti mengajar berbicara melalui latihan membaca, mengajar berbicara melalui latihan mendengarkan, mengajar berbicara melalui latihan menulis, mengajar berkomunikasi melalui materi visual, dan lain-lain. 

Secara spesifik, pada tulisan ini saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana sebuah materi yang inputnya berupa teks bacaan dapat dirancang menjadi materi pembelajaran yang interaktif dan menyenangkan. Meskipun diawali dengan suguhan teks bacaan yang selama ini dianggap siswa terkesan kaku dan monoton, namun materi ini dapat berkembang menjadi berbagai jenis aktifitas dengan keterampilan yang terintegrasi untuk tujuan peningkatan keterampilan berkomunikasi. Sehingga, untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, guru dapat merancang TIC activities dengan mulai dari memahami teks bacaan berbahasa Inggris yang secara tidak langsung juga akan meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa dan menghasilkan pengucapan yang lebih baik dan fasih. Bagannya sebagai berikut 

TIC Activities-based Reading Text  (Diadaptasi dari Pratiwi, 2021)




Langkah pertama yang dapat dilakukan dalam mengelola materi ajar berbasis teks bacaan adalah menerapkan metode diam atau silent reading. Membaca dalam hati dapat dilakukan  dua atau tiga kali. Tujuannya adalah agar input ilmu pengetahuan yang terkandung dalam bacaan dapat diserap dengan baik oleh otak. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan metode membaca nyaring atau reading aloud. Membaca nyaring dilakukan dengan menerapkan system drilling secara bergantian. Setiap siswa membaca satu sampai dua paragraf dan akan kembali membaca setelah siswa terakhir selesai membaca. Guru juga dapat menunjuk siswa secara acara agar seluruh kelas terfokus pada kegiatan saat itu. Kegiatan membaca nyaring dilakukan dalam tiga putaran atau sesuai kebutuhan. Tujuan dilakukannya membaca nyaring ini adalah agar siswa dapat melatih pelafalan atau pronunciation dan kefasihan berbicara/ speaking fluency agar tidak kaku dalam mengucapkan kalimat berbahasa Inggris. 

Dalam teks bacaan, seorang guru harus memberikan penekanan atau perhatian khusus pada kosakata yang yang dianggap sulit Setelah siswa membaca teks, tibalah saatnya mereka benar-benar memahami isi teks dengan mendiskusikan makna sehingga mereka dapat menarik kesimpulan dan menceritakan kembali sesuai dengan kalimat sendiri. Olehnya, mereka wajib mencari makna dan arti pada kata kata asing dalam teks, dan mengucapkannya dengan baik. 

Selanjutnya, kegiatan tersebut dapat dikembangkan menjadi menjawab pertanyaan bacaan secara lisan. TIC activities dapat semakin meramaikan suasana kelas karena siswa berpindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain dan berbicara dari satu pasangan ke pasangan lain, yang mana kegiatan ini dilakukan secara berpasangan atau kelompok. Di akhir kegiatan, beberapa siswa secara acak diminta untuk menceritakan kembali isi bacaan secara individu di depan kelas. Tujuannya, agar siswa mampu berpikir kritis, kepercayaan dirinya berbicara di depan orang banyak semakin meningkat, dan tentunya agar mereka terbiasa menggunakan Bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan komunikatif.  


Alfarisy, F. (2021). Kebijakan Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Indonesia dalam Perspektif Pembentukan Warga Dunia dengan Kompetensi Antarbudaya. Jurnal Ilmiah Profesi Pendidikan, 6(3), 303-313. 

Hasibuan, & Moedjiono. (2012, 64). Proses Belajar Mengajar. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya. 

Pratiwi, W. R. (2019). Demotivational Factors of Non-English Major Students in Learning English. ELS Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 2(2), 193-205. 

Pratiwi, W. R. (2021).  A Study on EFL Learners’ Motivations and Speaking Learning Strategies in an English Village-based Immersion Program atKampung Inggris Pare. Unpublished thesis. Universitas Negeri Makassar. 

Rahmat, H., & Jannatin, M. (2018). Hubungan Gaya Mengajar Guru dengan Motivasi Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. El Midad, 10(2), 98-111. 

Tambunsaribu, G., & Galingging, Y. (2021). Masalah Yang Dihadapi Pelajar Bahasa Inggris Dalam Memahami Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Dialektika: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra Dan Budaya, 8(1), 30-41. 

Wahab, R. (2016, 179). Psikologi Belajar. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada. 


Category: Opinion | LEAVE A COMMENT
August 17

20th Asia TEFL-68th TEFLIN-5th INELTAL 2022

The 2022 AsiaTEFL joint conference aims to provide an academic sharing and discussion forum for ELT and English language researchers, policymakers, and practitioners across Asia. It includes pre-conference workshops for professional development. It is a site for disseminating current research and conceptual ideas and providing a networking forum for ELT researchers and practitioners across Asia. It also promotes cultural understanding among Asian countries and rekindles the spirit and energy of conferences.
It is a hybrid conference where presenters and participants can attend the event onsite or online. The onsite and online sessions will be conducted simultaneously; thus, presenters and participants in both modes can interact in real time via a video conference platform.   

Call for Presentations

Asia TEFL – TEFLIN – iNELTAL Conference 2022 invites presentations of research and classroom-based articles, symposia, and posters, as well as conceptual ideas and best practices relevant to the English language topics and their variety of aspects. Proposal submissions should be no longer than 250-word abstract and 60-word biodata, sent via the conference management system’s abstract proposal submission platform. The platform will require information on first/given name, last/sur/family name, nationality, affiliation, title, and status of the presenter (first, co-presenter, etc.).

Notification of proposal (abstract) acceptance will be emailed on April 8th, 2022.   

Conference Theme
Hindsight, Insight, and Foresight in ELT in Multilingual Asia
Conference Topics

  1. Curriculum Syllabus and Material Design
  2. English as an international Language/Lingua Franca/World Englishes
  3. English for Academic and Specific Purposes
  4. Global Issues in Language Education
  5. Identity and learner Autonomy
  6. Intercultural Communication, Cultural Awareness, and Global Competencies
  7. Interpreting and Translation
  8. Language Acquisition and Literacy Development
  9. Language Planning, Management, and Policy
  10. Language Teaching Method and Approaches
  11. Language Testing, Evaluation, and Assessment
  12. Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, and Related Areas
  13. Multilingual and Multicultural Education
  14. Multiliteracies, Creativity, and Critical Literacies in ELT
  15. Multimodality in Pedagogy
  16. Plurilingualism, Translanguaging, Multilingual and Multicultural Education
  17. Teaching Training and Professional Development
  18. Teaching English to Young Learners
  19. Teaching Literature and the Arts
  20. Technology in Language Teaching and Learning
  21. Working with Special Needs Students
  22. Others


August 16

English for Computer: an Innovation to Welcome 5.0 Era

Entering the 5.0 era, technology and information are overgrowing, where all the news worldwide can be easily obtained through sophisticated technology. However, communication can be done quickly if we master the international language and technology. Therefore, computer and English skills are essential.     For students, mastering these two fields can lead to a better future. Why? Because colleges, scholarships, and the world of work provide better opportunities for those with English language and computer skills.

In the information system itself, programming terms and instructions for running computer applications are designed in English. Like data coding or analysis, most applications or software can only run commands in English. If we understand English, it will be easy to grab what it means.     

By understanding the English terms for computers, we will get an initial picture of how the components of a programming language work. Understanding how features work will determine how we create programs or applications later. Therefore, English is the language that underlies the development of information systems.   

One profession that also requires English is IT (Information Technology) Professionals. Also, dealing with computer English, the biggest challenge that IT Professionals face is when they have to communicate with clients who speak English. Therefore, as IT Professionals, English language skills are the primary capital to communicate with clients who use their services. Without English, IT professionals will find it challenging to develop themselves.  

The pressure of the times that demands computer and English skills have become my initiative to contribute to the world of education by producing a textbook entitled “English for Computer: Communication Skills in ICT.” This book is expected to be a reference or guide for English lecturers who take English for Specific Purpose (ESP) courses.    

“English for Computer: Communication Skills in ICT” is designed to increase knowledge related to computers and information systems by using English as the language of instruction. This book presents four basic English skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing), which are integrated and packaged in one main goal, namely the ability to communicate in the field of computers and information systems.   

The birth of this computer ESP book was compiled from the results of research on analyzing the needs of students majoring in computer science and information systems regarding the learning materials they expect. For students not taking an English concentration, learning English is designed to be their scientific companion. Therefore, many students complain that the general material presented by the lecturer is not in accordance with their field. So, these teaching materials are adapted to the educational/professional background and interests of students.   

Not only providing knowledge of English related to computers, but this book also stimulates the creativity of lecturers to convey material creatively to students so that the primary goal of language learning can be achieved, namely the ability to communicate. In addition, this book is also expected to come with an injection of motivation and echo the importance of developing English language skills in today’s modern era.

This article has been published in Matakita.com https://matakita.co/2022/10/04/english-for-computer-communication-skills-in-ict-sebuah-inovasi-menyongsong-era-revolusi-industri-4-0/

Category: Opinion | LEAVE A COMMENT
August 13

My values

Widya is active, easy to get along with, and friendly to anyone. She likes to travel alone. Her favorite places are the mountains and the village. Visiting the outdoors can refresh her mind and increase her enthusiasm for work. She also likes new things because, for her, something new can encourage and motivate her to learn. This woman is very detailed. When she wants to know something, she will keep asking and looking for answers from several references until she is able to draw his own conclusions from those references.   

Unfortunately, she is a pessimist, forgetful, and doubtful person. Therefore, a sharing partner is the most needed person, such as family, friends, and colleagues. In doing something, people might judge her to work slower than others. The reason is simple: she will not start working when she does not understand the job well. 

And when she starts working, of course, the results of her work will be more detailed that will satisfy herself and others. Therefore, she always needs a notebook or recording device to overcome all of her weaknesses. She writes down or records every idea and the critical point to overcome her forgetfulness. Neither the discussion partner nor this recording device can help her to solve all these shortcomings.   

Widya is a woman who is always independent and will never depend on others. She has the principle to do anything alone when she can still do it herself. However, it does not mean she refuses any help and invitation as long as it does not burden others.   

This woman is a hard worker but never neglects her responsibilities to her family. She loves her two kids very much. For her, children are the light of her heart and will never be a blemish in her eyes. Children are the driving force at work.

Category: Author | LEAVE A COMMENT
August 13

My Biography

Widya Rizky Pratiwi is a staff of Universitas Terbuka (Open University), located in Pondok Cabe, Pamulang, South Tangerang, Indonesia. She is currently a lecturer in the Master’s Study Program in English Education. Previously, she taught English for Specific Purposes (ESP) at Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen dan Ilmu Komputer (STMIK) in the information systems study program, ESP at Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif (Polimedia), and English for a Master of English education at Bosowa University (Unibos). 

Widya was born in Bulukumba, August 20, 1988. Her mother (Lilik Sri Astuti, SP) is from Lumajang, East Java and her father (Ribut Agustianto, SP) comes from Pemalang, Central Java. Both are civil servants in Bulukumba, South Sulawesi. Therefore, Widya completed her primary to high school education in the same district from 1994 – 2006.  

Then, she continued her bachelor’s degree at the State University of Makassar (UNM) in the English Language Education study program (2006-2010), a master’s degree at the Indonesian Muslim University majoring in management focused on education (2013-2015), and her doctoral degree at the State University of Makassar (UNM) concerned with English Education (2016-2021). Alhamdulillah, Widya is one of the lucky ones because, with minimal financial ability, she got the opportunity to continue her education up to the S3 level with funding from the government (which will be discussed in detail).

Apart from teaching, she is also involved in various organizational activities from elementary school until now. For example, she participated in scouting, the Indonesian Red Cross, English club meetings, and internal and external campus/school organizations, as well as a professional member of lecturers and researchers. Bulukumba English Meeting Club, Rumah produktif Indonesia, Asosiasi Dosen Pkm Indonesia (ADPI), Forum Dosen Indonesia (FDI), Asosiasi Dosen Indonesia (ADI), The Association of Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia (TEFLIN), Sahabat Pulau, Internal Campus Organizations (BEMJ, DKMJ, ACCESS, ECC), Phinisi Bulukumba, etc. (the edition will be discussed more).

Since childhood, she has loved to write, but she has not found the proper forum and community to link this hobby. So, her essay was only written in a diary book that could be read by herself. However, in recent years, this lady has met new communities with experienced people in their respective fields, so she has the opportunity to improve her writing skills, such as scientific articles, opinions, or books. Some publications can be checked on her SINTA webpage (https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/). Through her writing experience, especially in writing books, she is trusted to teach additional courses in addition to the primary subject of English for specific purposes in Polimedia. The different subjects are all related to writing in the publishing study program (the edition will be discussed more).