Jurnal Kajian Manajemen Dakwah IAIN Pare-Pare
Jurnal Kajian Manajemen Dakwah (JKMD) is a scientific journal published by the Da’wah Management Study Program of the State Islamic Institute of Parepare (IAIN Parepare). JKMD focuses on Da’wah issues (Islamic Proselytization) in Southeast Asia, including Local Culture Da’wah, Da’wah Management, Da’wah for Development, Da’wah for Islamic Moderation, Da’wah Feminism, and Contemporary Da’wah. We invite scientists, scholars, researchers, and students to develop their scientific papers and publish their research after the selection process of the manuscript, review, and editing process. JKMD will be published twice a year, the publication period is from January to June and from July to December. The Accepted Papers will be available online in open access. ISSN: 2685-7146. (online).